Best Places To Visit In Tanzania : Things To Do

Among the most captivating nations of Sub-Saharan Africa, with its majestic landscape, Tanzania draws tourists from every corner of the world. Some visitors tour to explore the country’s magnificence; others select Tanzania as the finest destination for one-of-a-kind safari expeditions or just want to chill by swimming in the fine waters of the Indian Ocean.

Tanzania is not only about legendary Mt. Kilimanjaro, coconut palm trees, massive baobabs, acacia trees, and world-renowned safari parks, but it is also a land of extremely kind, hospitable, and pleasant locals.

Colorfully attired women and smiling kids are an essential part of Tanzanian society. Regardless of the relevant poverty they inhabit, it’s possible to witness their capability to relish all the moments.

That’s why we’d like to offer you a Tanzania Trip Guide comprising the finest Places To Visit In Tanzania, the most suitable time for your journey, and top stays. Keep on reading

Best Places and Things to Do in Tanzania

Also Read : Unveli The Wonders Of Tanzania : A Journey Into Luxury And Wildlife

Best Time to Visit Tanzania :

The most excellent time to encounter what Tanzania offers is from June-end to October. Witnessing wildlife in the wild is the ultimate possible adventure in this period.

You will be offered a chance to watch the noteworthy migration with massive herds of zebras and gnus crossing the river Mara. 

If you explore Tanzania from November to March, there are high possibilities of extreme rains, though you can witness thousands of migratory bird species.

The time you should not consider when planning a trip to Tanzania is between April and May. Heavy rain traits for this year’s season may make it unattainable to watch the wildlife of migrating creatures.

Famous Places To Visit In Tanzania :

  1. Serengeti

Serengeti is a classical park in Tanzania, a worth-visiting place for any visitor touring Africa. The Big Five (lion, African elephant, leopard, the Cape buffalo, and rhino) occupy the park.

Its amazing ecosystem with more than 25,000 km of land and millions of wildlife surprises with stunning vistas! Grab a camera and capture the moment of encountering yourself eye to eye with a wild soul. 

There are also camps and lodges providing accommodation within the protection zones.

  1. Mt. Kilimanjaro

Trekking on Mount Kilimanjaro may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for mountain hikers and climbers. Several visitors visit Tanzania simply to attain this peak. 

Contrary to prevalent belief, arranging a hiking tour to the most elevated African peak is said to be fairly simple. You can head to Arusha or Moshi, where some local tour agencies can design your mountain journey even within some hours. 

On average, adventurers who choose to reach Kilimanjaro will require 5 to 8 days, relying on the individual terms they tend to deal with the tour’s organizer. Getting down the peak normally takes only 2 to 3 days. 

The snow-tipped peak is an excellent vista since the mountain occurs close to the equator. If you’re unable to mount, there is still stunning wildlife to witness near the mountain base. 

  1. Zanzibar

‘A lovely island’ – it’s the literal definition of the word ‘Zanzibar’. Once touring Zanzibar, you’ll notice that this name entirely reflects its natural character. 

Famous Places To Visit In Tanzania
Places To Visit In Tanzania

Heaven-like white coastlines and beaches, the shades of towering palms, sky-blue ocean, unique flora and fauna, luxurious African-style hotels, and beautiful local towns are only a tiny fraction of what Zanzibar can deliver.

The island is also famous for many water activities, like snorkeling or scuba diving. Thus, if you’re a buff of golden white beaches, how about endeavoring fantastic water sports too?

  1. Ngorongoro Crater

Among the picturesque landscapes that Africa and Tanzania have to provide is Ngorongoro Crater. It is a conservation zone with wildlife for a safari and an excellent hiking location. 

There are three private lodges with luxurious apartments, and the interior stuns with golden-framed mirrors, modern sofas, and baroque vibes.

However, visitors can expect a complete immersion into a memorable African landscape and climate with wild nature and Masai people!

  1. Selous Game Drive

While the buzz of wild fauna migration still drowns your thoughts, don’t miss the chance to see the most famous game reserve in Africa, Selous Game Reserve, a massive park in southern Tanzania. 

One of the often-met species in the park is buffalos and lions. You may witness wild dog colonies spread throughout the park too. Selous is also famously known for its incredible birdlife. Listening to their melody will be a fantastic pleasure for birders and nature lovers.

Moreover, the park contains many big African land mammals, namely elephants. With over 15000 elephants, to be clear, chances of witnessing a dozen are pretty high. 

Things to do in Tanzania :

Places To Visit In Tanzania
Things to do in Tanzania
  • The country is well-known for its Serengeti Safari. Go animal-watching at the Serengeti National Park and witness hordes of deer and buffalo, elephants, African jackals, giraffes, several cats, and species of gazelle, impala, eland, and topi.
  • Hike and climb through the amazing wildlife and rough craters of Mount Kilimanjaro.
  • Further, you can relish a bird’s-eye view of Tanzanian wildlife from a balloon in a great Balloon Safari over the Serengeti Migration.
  • Enjoy a boat ride on Lake Manyara’s limpid waters.
  • Make a tour to Stone Town, in Zanzibar, for its spice markets and wealthy heritage.
  • Explore the coastlines of Zanzibar island, bordered by languid palms. Non-tidal beaches are perfect for swimming, while some other island areas offer lagoons and coral ridges.

Top Places To Visit In Tanzania :

Here are a few of the finest accommodation recommendations for your tour to Tanzania:

  • Beyond Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

Do you crave to sleep among wild creatures but don’t want to compromise on a hotel’s luxury and comfort? Then this is the site for you. It is a luxurious safari stay venture you can only obtain in Tanzania. 

Beyond Ngorongoro Crater Lodge

The luxurious suites contain banana leaf roofs and glass ceilings and come with top-notch luxuries that’ll nearly make you forget that you’re staying in a wilderness.

  • Kunduchi Beach Hotel & Resort

Unwind and be feasted like royalty at this beachfront resort in Tanzania. It’s not only a resort, but there’s also a water park found on the hotel’s premises, so kids particularly will savor staying in this resort. 

Other comforts of this elegant space include:

  • Some exquisite fine dining experiences.
  • Access to the beach.
  • An enormous swimming pool.
  • Room service.

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